The Great Seal of the united States of America
America was so-named by the old Gothic words AMELREICH
which is AMEL: HEAVENLY, REICH: KINGDOM. This later evolved to AMER-RICA and to AMERICA

When the moment came to chose the design for the Great Seal of the United States, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were chosen to serve as the committee. It is one of the most remarkable chapters in our history that both Franklin and Jef f erson, professedly freethinkers, proposed designs having to do with Israel in the Scriptures. Franklin proposed Israel safely crossing the Red Sea, while the hosts of Pharoah were engulfed, and Jefferson proposed Israel being led by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. The Department of State issued a brochure on the history of our Great Seal, written by the Custodian of Departments in the Library of Congress, and the only book quoted in that work was a book by Professor C.A.L. Totten, who was one of the earliest exponents in this country of the truth concerning the modern identity of Israel as the Anglo~Saxon~Celtic peoples.

Look at the Seal that finally evolved. What do you find on it? On the front you find the eagle with thirteen stars above its head, thirteen letters in the motto that flutters on a scroll from its beak, thirteen paleways in the shield on its breast . In its right talon there is an olive branch with thirteen leaves and thirteen olive fruits; in its left talon there are thirteen arrows fledged with thirteen feathers. Here are seven sets of thirteens on one side of our Great Seal. Thirteen was the actual number of the tribes of Israel because Jacob's son Joseph was given a double portion which was passed on to his sons Ephraim and Manasseh. Therefore, the thirteenth tribe in Israel was Manasseb, whose name means "forgetfulness." If there was ever a people forgetful of its ancient past, it is this last, this thirteenth, this Manasseh-Israel people in the United States.

Look at our Great Seal again. Why the identification with the olive branch and its fruit? It is the sign of Israel everywhere through the sc riptures. Turn to the reverse side of the Seal and you see "a pyramid unfinished." (See illustration). What is a pyramid doing in the symbology of the United States of America? We though pyramids belonged primarily to Egypt. Well, here on the Great Seal o f the United States is a pyramid of thirteen courses of masonry and above it, floating in the Glory and having emblazoned on it the All-Seeing Eye, is the capstone of the pyramid which never was set - "the chief corner stone" spoken of by our Lord as the s t one which the builders rejected (Matt. 21:42). The "headstone of the corner"; that is, the apex stone was never set on the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt and it has not yet been set on our national pyramid. Nevertheless, it hovers there on our Great Seal ; it floats there in the Glory, as if awaiting the moment when it shall descend to complete our national structure with a Divine repletion.

You will note MDCCLXXVI (1776) on the foundation of the pyramid (or Israel). This is the fulfilling of the prophesy of a nation being born in a day; July 4,1776.. Read Isa. 66:-ANNUIT COEPTIS, 13 letters with the meaning, "He has prospered our beginnings." There should be no question that God Almighty did prosper America!}{\fs18 NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, has the meaning of "The New Order of the Ages." This order began with the establishment of America as the beginnings of God's Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth. America is the NEW JERUSALEM, THE DAUGHTER OF Zion.

A pyramid on the United States government seal? This should occasion no surprise. It was the genius of chosen men of the Building Race that constructed the Great Pyramid and arranged therein its mathematical confirmation of Divine truth for a scientific generation to fathom. The Great Pyramid and the stone which the builders r ejected, the All-Seeing Eye and the effulgent rays of the Divine Glory, the Olive branch, with its leaves and fruit, and through it all the number thirteen - my friend, a Bible-reading shepherd in the desert of Mesopotamia, who had never heard of the Unite d States, would say, on seeing our national emblems, "Surely this is the people Israel!" And all this came about without knowledge, without intent, on the part of the statesmen who designed the Great Seal of the United States. Truly. it is a most remarkab le circumstance. But Israel must be Israel wherever her sons abide.

America is the latter day 'appointed place'; 2 Sam. 7:10 where God's people were to be gathered together. Our capital, Washington, D.C., lies on the banks of the Potomac. Potomac means the gathering place of the tribes. God says, "Hear the word of the Lord, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doeth his flock." Jer. 31:10.

Zion is the seat of government in Israel, America is that seat. America was so-named by the old Gothic words AMELREICH which is Amel: Heavenly, Reich: Kingdom. This later evolved to AMER-RICA and to AMERICA.

America is the place of re-gathered Israel and therefore all end-time prophecy speaks and points to America, as God's time clock will prove.- Reprinted from New Beginnings newsletter ( Waynesville, NC), June-July 1976, Vol 6 N. 6, page 8.

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